Use of Affiliate Links

I sometimes share information about books or products that I believe readers may benefit from. I may use affiliate links when linking to such products, and the remainder of this page describes principles regarding the use of affiliate links and what affiliate earnings support.

I only link to products that I have personally paid for–or, in the case of books, borrowed from a library–and do not provide reviews or recommendation for any product that was provided to me without charge or as an incentive for a positive review or other coverage.

Fifty (50.0) percent of all earnings are donated to the Against Malaria Foundation, the top-ranked charity by, which conducts in-depth research aiming to determine how much good a given program accomplishes in terms of lives saved or improved per dollar spent. Malaria disproportionately affects children under age 5 and can be prevented with the use of simple, insecticide-treated bed nets and appropriate education about their use.

The remaining earnings support the maintenance and hosting of this website.